
Italian “Decreto Sostegni”: The Freezing of Redundancies has been extended. What can be done

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The scheme of the “Decreto Sostegni”, approved two days ago by the CDM, extends the prohibition on dismissal (paragraphs 9 and 10, art.8):

  • till June 30th 2021 for workers of companies with ordinary and extraordinary CIG (especially industry and agriculture)
  • till October 31st 2021 for workers of companies covered by instruments in derogation (especially tertiary sector)

In this context, the solution of the corporate collective agreement is becoming increasingly important.

Among other things, in fact, the suspensions and foreclosures envisaged do not apply in the hypothesis of a company collective agreement, stipulated by the comparatively most representative trade unions at a national level. This as an incentive to terminate the employment relationship, limited to workers who adhere to the aforementioned agreement.  


Also considering that these workers have the right to access the Naspi treatment (unemployment indemnity), the tool is increasingly assuming a leading role in the current landscape.

 Allavelli Legal

The following are also excluded from the prohibition:

    • expansion contract
  • reinstatement for change of contract
  • bankruptcy
    • definitive termination of the company’s business (which does not involve the transfer of a company or one of its branches)
    • just-cause dismissa
    • dismissal for disciplinary reasons
    • dismissal for exceeding the grant period of illness
    • dismissal for failure to pass the probationary period
    • dismissal for reaching age for the use of the old-age pension
    • dismissal for unfitness for duties
  • dismissal of the domestic worker

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