Federico Allavelli

Artists: Europe (perhaps) does not leave them behind

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In 2020, EU’s cultural and creative sector suffered economic losses for over 30% for a global loss of Euro 199 billion:

  • Music sectors: – 75%
  • Performing arts sector: – 90%

Even before the pandemic, the sector was governed by unstable income, unpaid work and job insecurity.

The tendential silence of the Eu states was interrupted by the voice of the European Parliament.

With a resolution of October 20, 2021, the EP invited the Commission to propose a “European artist statute” that defines a common framework on working conditions and minimum social standards for all EU countries.

Eu States and the Commission are therefore urged to take specific measures to safeguard a minimum standard of income for artists and culture professionals on the following key points:

  • Urgently improve the professional conditions of artists
  • Request for cross-border programs for young creators and innovators
  • More effective protection from dominant streaming platforms for authors and performers

In particular, the following problems were discussed:

Cross-border mobility

Domestic legislative differences on the legal status of artists hinder cross-border collaboration and work.

Revenue from copyright and streaming platforms

The so-called “Buyout clauses” allow to purchase full copyright from the artist in exchange for a one-off payment and thus depriving him of royalties.

Defend artistic freedom

It is necessary to defend artistic freedom and to ensure that European citizens can freely enjoy artistic creations.

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