Federico Allavelli

Covid Green Certifications: new rules

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Another important step to get back to moving.

And to the life.

Allavelli Legal


Legislative Decree n. 52/2021, art. 9, introduces and regulates the new important tool of Covid Green Certifications (“GC”), operating through the national digital green certificate platform (DGC) which will interface with the other EU countries.

In full compliance with privacy rights.



GC proves, with different content (Annex 1, Legislative Decree 52/2021):

– the vaccinated status

– the healed status

– a negative test result



GC-vaccinated: six months from the completion of the vaccination cycle

GC-healed: six months from the date of healing

GC-negative test: forty-eight hours from test execution


Who releases

GC-vaccinated: hospital; vaccination doctor

GC-healed: hospitalization structures; general doctors; pediatricians

GC-negative test: hospital; authorized or accredited private healthcare structures; pharmacies; general doctors; pediatricians


Recognition of foreign GC

GC issued by an EU State: equivalent, valid and effective

GC issued by non-EU State: required validation by an EU State

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