Businesses and building contracts: risks of fraud and dumping

Seen as a throwback, the reintroduction of criminal relevance to fraudulent building contracts and contract dumping is a strong and decisive response by the legislature to protect workers’ rights and transparency in contractual relations.   Through the recent PNRR Decree 4 (Decree Law No. 19/2024, converted into Law No. 56/2024) aimed at fighting unfair practices […]

Apertura nuova sede di Gallarate

Con grande soddisfazione lo Studio comunica l’apertura della nuova sede di Gallarate. Nuova avventura, stessa assistenza.    

Artists: EU framework to improve the living and working conditions

Atypical working patterns and irregular income in the cultural and creative sectors (CCS) lead to problems such as weak social protection, lack of decent working conditions and fewer possibilities for social bargaining that leaves cultural and creative sector professionals vulnerable to abusive subcontracting, bogus self-employment, underpaid or unpaid work and coercive buy-out contracts. New digital […]

International procurement: new tool from EU

The EU has opened its public procurement markets to a significant degree to competitors from third countries and has been advocating for the end of protectionist measures. With the aim to help EU companies with more opportunities to tender outside the EU, European Parliament has adopted yesterday, december 14 2021, its position on the international […]

Italian freezing of redundancies: the never ending story

Italian “Fiscal Decree” extends again the prohibition of dismissal until 31 December 2021 (Article 11, Legislative Decree 146/2021). Not generalized but intended only for companies that use the social bumpers provided and only for the relevant period: Employers who access ordinary and ‘cassa in deroga’ check (Maximum thirteen weeks; No additional contribution); Employers with ATECO […]

Artists: Europe (perhaps) does not leave them behind

In 2020, EU’s cultural and creative sector suffered economic losses for over 30% for a global loss of Euro 199 billion: Music sectors: – 75% Performing arts sector: – 90% Even before the pandemic, the sector was governed by unstable income, unpaid work and job insecurity. The tendential silence of the Eu states was interrupted […]

Brexit and italian social safety nets

  Brexit had a first phase with the agreement called the Withdrawal Agreement (hereinafter WA), which entered into force on February 1, 2020. On December 24, 2020, an agreement on trade and cooperation was concluded (Trade and Cooperation Agreement, hereinafter TCA). The Protocol on social security coordination, hereinafter PSSC, forms an integral part of this […]

Italian Freezing of Redundancies: still uncertainties

Uncertainties remain on the future of the Italian freezing of redundancies. The government is currently evaluating various hypotheses. The “Decreto Sostegni”, currently, extends the prohibition on dismissal (paragraphs 9 and 10, art.8, DL 41/2021): till June 30th 2021 for workers of companies with ordinary and extraordinary CIG (especially industry and agriculture) till October 31st 2021 […]